Technology: In the space of a few years, the town hall of Vitry-sur-Seine has acquired with Linkt a state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure 100% geared towards improving the service offered to residents cisco voice of the engineer.
For a local authority, the quality of the points of contact with the population is a central element. Whatever their need, residents must be able to identify and contact the appropriate service, and obtain a qualified response as soon as possible. This ability to best meet the needs of the population is a question of organization, management, but also telecommunications infrastructure. To guarantee the good governance of all of its services, a town hall must in fact be able to count on a controlled network covering all of its sites. But ambition often clashes with the reality on the ground: how to connect premises that are sometimes structurally distant, like neighborhood schools or nurseries? How to quickly set up new services for the population, while keeping control and guaranteeing the same level of service?
This question, already complex in normal times, took on particular importance during the first episode of the health crisis: in the space of a few days, communities of all sizes had to put in place solutions capable of guaranteeing continuity. public service, by prioritizing the most critical services and by providing the best possible information to a population eager for contact. In Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), the advance taken by the town hall in terms of the network played a key role in the city's responsiveness to the crisis. "In such a case, it is the flexibility and the ability to quickly set up new services that make the difference," notes Johan Tidas, head of the city's IT and Telecommunications (SIT) department. Too heavy an infrastructure is a real handicap and hinders any possibility of reactivity. "
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